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Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

296 things that customers thought they are missing in

We have analyzed the recent survey results related to what features people think they miss in Bellow you will find all the survey responses and our comments. Basically the missed features were categorized into 4 categories: 1) the feature exists in, 2) the feature exists in premium Paid Monitor, 3) the feature is in our roadmap and will be available soon, and 4) the features we are not planning, but maybe considered on our roadmap if more users asks us. Fifth group of users – and they are actually a majority – were quite satisfied with the current set of features. Here are the survey responses and our feedback:


Survey Response

Our Feedback

1. detailed host-level process information (spawn rate, etc) host agent running as a service!

Paid Monitoring premium feature

2. Cant think of any


3. Configurability.

Partially Paid Monitoring premium feature, but more in our roadmap

4. I need to stick the code in my pages. And keep forgetting….


5. Excellent


6. long term reported

Paid Monitoring premium feature

7. no stats in detail when something happened in the past and when it was resolved

8. I really don’t know


9. Ping site in Canada. Track response times between page loads.

Will consider that

10. The ability to define profiles monitoring

In our roadmap

11. Controlling polling intervals – possibly a paid upgrade?

Paid Monitoring premium feature

12. Data Export.

Paid Monitoring premium feature (pdf, and CSV)

13. na

14. A “incident summary”, when a website is up/down alternatively for a few hours, it would be helpful to have a specific report

In our roadmap

15. want to embed it for specific ports into my app

Not sure about the request

16. More accurate automatic reports.

Please contact our support if you notice something wrong

17. API

Existed feature

18. none at last look but will let you know when I look today


19. Difficult to find…


20. None I can think of


21. multiple US monitors.

Use Paid Monitor in parallel as a quick solution (we use different US monitors for and Paid Monitor). In future there will be more monitors but only with Paid Monitor

22. monitoring mail servers

We provide SMTP, POP3 and IMAP monitors, also possibility to monitor these protocols using telnet/SSL

23. Nothing


24. A little bit more overview/overlook in the menu

Please check Paid Monitor menu system

25. currently nothing


26. free service, and sms free

We need to earn some money to keep service working 

27. snmp.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

28. search strings for content on the web pages

Paid Monitoring premium feature

29. I am a non experimented user, maybe your service could be better, I know that you have a paid service for critical situations, but for me, it is enough the free service.


30. NA


31. eventually I’ll probably want the ability to monitor in tighter intervals–still in the testing phase

Paid Monitoring premium feature

32. can’t say, am quite satisfied as it is.


33. International (German) SMS

Existed feature

34. private branding

Paid Monitoring premium feature

35. Nothing

36. There needs to be a Monthly Summary Report that spans from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. This would be in addition to the current email that gets generated every week.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

37. nothing


38. For a free service, nothing.


39. I wish to see it more flexible (things like beeing able to change an url of a polling)

In roadmap

Paid Monitoring premium feature


41. mysql server alert

Paid Monitoring premium feature

42. Hummm… still asking myself.


43. detailed reporting over extended periods of time

Paid Monitoring premium feature

44. nothing special


45. I would like to see graphs for longer periods, like year, months and weeks.

Existed feature, also Paid Monitoring premium feature

46. Shorter intervalls

Paid Monitoring premium feature

47. None

48. website monitor

Existed feature

49. sys monitoring via a cgi/php based script rather than an agent.

Command-line API

Paid Monitoring premium feature

50. Nothing particularly


51. for my needs this is just fine.


52. Greater ability to store and manage the recorded monitoring data. Ability to monitor dynamic web apps. Ability to specify tasks as a set of interactions with a web page, script or service. Ability to monitor web services. Improved REST API.

Paid Monitoring premium feature (see Transactions Monitoring feature)

53. graphs should be larger and easier to manipulate, they are very limited at the moment

Existed feature (you can maximize charts by using max icon on top) only for Paid Monitoring premium feature

54. Webservices API

Existed feature

55. As above, a simple indication of the amount of events that can currently be covered or the quantity of purchased sms’s left. As well as allocating each test a list of contacts that get notified in the event of an error.

First part exist, second part is Paid Monitoring premium feature

56. don´t know


57. CPU Server load, Process monitoring etc.,

Paid Monitoring premium feature

58. Alerts after a certain number of failures. The ability to choose where to test from (location).

Paid Monitoring premium feature

59. (See my answer for #4.)

60. None that we need


61. Long-term graphs of uptimes.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

62. iPhone version of the site

Will consider that

63. tools like

Will consider that

64. Works fine for what I need.


65. The ability to only show pings from one country. A couple of my sites cater to mainly US users. I have Google in my list of sites as a reference and when I look at the summary, my pings look very high because of the non-US checks compared to Google which has servers globally. If I log in to the website, I realize I have the option to show only US pings, but that doesn’t help me with my weekly status reports that I archive.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

66. More monitoring locations

Paid Monitoring premium feature

67. Not sure….


68. None


69. configuare speed of refreshing servers 10mins is a long time

Paid Monitoring premium feature

70. Can’t think of any


71. None


72. Nothing at this time


73. free sms notifications :)


74. Traffic analysis

Exited feature

75. ability to email reports to a different email address than connection alerts.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

76. Full screen enlargement Regional benchmarks

First part Paid Monitoring premium feature. Existed feature

77. I don’t probe our possibilities, When I done I say!

78. More frequent checks.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

79. I would like development of the Desktop gadget. Perhaps an alert status in the gadget title (colored or something). Maybe re prioritize list based on status.

In our roadmap

80. n/a


81. Some kind of instant messaging notifications.. They are available in the contact option, but doesn’t seem to work.

Existed feature, contact us if you have any issue

82. I’ve got all that I want


83. Language selection.

Existed feature

84. it cant make me a coffee ;-)

Existed feature :))))

85. It misses: the analysis of the performances of a site (as and a comparison with other site.

We will consider that

86. Possibility to compare several months. Would also be nice to do bandwith-test, like download 10 megabyte every hour or so for a day, probably per request or it’d be costly on bandwith.

We will consider that

87. None


88. I think there everything that I need.


89. test history isn’t available

Existed feature (go edit mode and select a date)

90. That you can’t integrate your service into a website.

Existed feature (see embedded widgets and mongets)

91. Nothing


92. It is not possible to get a month, quarter or annual overview of uptime.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

93. See 4.


94. I’d love to have a monitor from within my country, but I understand that it would be costly!

Partially you can. Use our agents and monitor from where you want

95. I don’t know.. It have more features than I need/use :)

We think we do 

96. I have more functions to try out. Right now, I don’t need more.


97. rrd graphs of ping response times over a period of weeks or months would be useful (or a premium option).

Paid Monitoring premium feature

98. none


99. maybe a widget on my desk (Windows Vista) ?

Existed feature

100. Month, quarter, year reporting. Now I’ll get the reports 1 by 1.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

101. IP listing

102. I’d like to decrease the 30 minutes between checks.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

103. Free SMS notifications.

Some number of free SMS is available at Paid Monitoring premium feature

104. Nothing


105. for my needs it is good as it is


106. SMS notifications in my region (Brazil)

Existed feature

107. None


108. Nothing that i would use.


109. more powerful reporting

Paid Monitoring premium feature

110. -


111. I’d prefer email alerts to work more accurately. I’d like to have a special report by e-mail with more information about the inactivity periods of the web. For example, more frequent response test since the moment inactivity is detected until the webs comes back to live. I’d like to know exactly how many minutes has the service been down, to present that information to our systems department and demonstrate there has been something wrong with a lot of information available.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

112. IM notifications.

Existed feature

113. Information about type of failure – connection time-out, lookup error, or no response

Paid Monitoring premium feature

114. nothing I can think of now…


115. Can’t set the Ping test to occur x minutes. Seems to only ping every 45min

Paid Monitoring premium feature

116. I’m not sure… Is there a tool for send a mail again, when the service is still down after x minutes…

Paid Monitoring premium feature

117. dynamic change of IP addresses

Will consider that

118. Better graphs

Paid Monitoring premium feature

119. -


120. Have not thought


121. simple rss feeds

Existed feature

122. Better graphs and API and GUI.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

123. don’t know

124. Mobile version of web site.

Existed feature (Windows Mobile)

125. control on the kind and type of reports i get on my mail, like if a specific server is starting to lag and not down

Will consider that

126. At least in free version, 5 min. monitoring would be great

Paid Monitoring premium feature

127. More technical explanation of exactly how it is measuring, and from where.

See our blogs or forums, but will try to do more posts

128. -

129. performance alerts, when server takes too much time to access

Existed feature

130. yes


131. multiple day reporting to see trends over periods more than one day. Currently, I have to open 7 windows just to see a trend week

Paid Monitoring premium feature

132. nothing by the moment


133. Monthly and annual reports :o)

Paid Monitoring premium feature

134. A higher resolution. A higher resoution could start after a problem, and taper off.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

135. more detailed reports

Paid Monitoring premium feature

136. None


137. none


138. -


139. -


140. Frequency of url checks and ability to monitor multiple url’s.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

141. I’d like to set up more recipients for the reports.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

142. not sure

143. Lack of view for more than one day regarding graphs.

Exited feature (you can setup monthly views)

144. none


145. iPhone interface )


146. XML based API to integrate service into own application

Existed feature

147. clearer labeling of services and grouping of services

Paid Monitoring premium feature

148. -


149. Alert messages to Live Messenger

We support MSN(not now)

150. capacity to simulate/test alerts

Paid Monitoring premium feature

151. would like to be able to do POST & authenticated requests to web services

Paid Monitoring premium feature

152. info about your IP and monitoring mechanism so I can update our security policy accordingly.

See out forum or contact our support

153. All good.


154. none


155. Nothing at the moment.


156. simpler, FASTER interface

Check Paid Monitor

157. Export logs to cvs file

Paid Monitoring premium feature

158. continous graph

Paid Monitoring premium feature

159. None

160. More frequent probing

Paid Monitoring premium feature

161. Critically: no check for site content/keywords (so unusable on production systems, since a blank page with a 200 response is viewed as OK by I would like keyword or other meta-tag checking, like site24x7. No control over frequency of checks.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

162. Free SMS notifications ;)


163. Would like to have a single graph for some accounts if possible for comparison.

Not sure but seems like existed feature

164. -


165. Higher monitoring frequency

Paid Monitoring premium feature

166. free alerts & diagnostics

E-mail alerts are free

167. limiting alerts to once or twice per hour

Paid Monitoring premium feature

168. None


169. Custom period report (weekly, yearly)

Paid Monitoring premium feature

170. it may also report 404 or other errors

Paid Monitoring premium feature

171. Having test their system properly, and fix it when someone tells them what’s wrong!

Will take into account

172. Nothing for my needs


173. No way to set warning threshold – maybe something like a choice of 0/2/5/10/15/30 minutes down before warning – user selectable.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

174. can’t think of any right off


175. For a free service, nothing I can think of.


176. None


177. Free SMS Service


178. For my current use I don’t need anything else. I am still using own nagios at the work, and i guess that will be so also in future.

Try also Paid Monitoring

179. mmmmh, it’s perfect!


180. Monitor internal networks, free api’s or something.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

181. Best Graphics

Paid Monitoring premium feature

182. login to sites

Paid Monitoring premium feature

183. Customizable alert messages for specific error codes. Customizable test frequency. Customizable email reports.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

184. ?


185. RSS feed for notifications

Existed feature

186. ability to monitor internal servers, on the main controll pannel.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

187. Better, reliable website

Paid Monitoring premium feature

188. – grouping of protocols (if ping isn’t available don’t send messages for every other protocol e.g. smtp, pop3, http) – creating of planned maintenance windows, where no messages are sent

In our roadmap

189. a more specific monitoring with the time of ALL the elements of a page – including external ads, external javascript… – like on pingdom ( the full page test ) but with the storage of all the values…

Paid Monitoring premium feature (a part of Transactions Monitoring but also will be available standalone)

190. none for now


191. Free SMS ;-)


192. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm


193. More customization of monitoring is needed.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

194. Can’t think of any.


195. Text email

Paid Monitoring premium feature

196. Set acceptable limits on rtd and pings

Paid Monitoring premium feature

197. One thing I’d like is to know how long a site is down when there is no response.

198. No particular complaints. If the web site is up, I’m happy, why wouldn’t I be?


199. All that are not in the free service


200. in the weekly report i see only that i have for example 5 website-downs, but i dont see the would be nice, when u safe this date in the database and share the downtime date in your pdf report. Tx

Existing feature – you can select any date in day view to see historic data

201. Remote monitoring tool installed on local computer to watch live monitoring

Existing feature. Also see Paid Monitoring premium feature

202. I don’t require more features at this time.


203. not really one


204. Performance checks

Existed feature

205. I would like to be able to add “scan for tag/text” feature so I can test database results.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

206. More prompt alerts, msn notifications

Existed feature

207. HTML content change tests! It’d be very handy for monitoring sites for defacement or other types of outages.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

208. none at the moment


209. Can’t think of any


210. None.


211. No option for more specific info.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

212. setting test frequence

Paid Monitoring premium feature

213. Free car with every 10th e-mail. Nothing helpful i can add really, you already have ping time comparisons, uptime compared to google, which really only prooves your uptime, I mean, really, what does comparing google’s uptime to ours really achieve? Nah, I’m think, ignore me.


214. Notification not very changable, i.e. one monitor can notify this group of people – while another monitor can notify a different group of people.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

215. none at the moment


216. None


217. without missing


218. Detailed downtime reports, more ferquent checks

Paid Monitoring premium feature

219. ?


220. The limited number of free SMS updates


221. Lack of deeper insight. For instance, a graph showing uptime evolution over last n months.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

222. mmmm no idea. Can’t u free ur paid sms notification. Just a kiding.


223. Stats on frequency of monitoring as part of the report

Will consider that

224. I would like to be able to check the url for keywords to make sure that it’s the correct page being displayed.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

225. It’s OK like it is


226. snmp monitoring and graphs

Paid Monitoring premium feature

227. shorter “ping” periods

Paid Monitoring premium feature

228. Archiving daily reports as pics/graphs; preferable a week/month view with all daily graphs!

Existed feature (see edit mode, select date)

229. Monthly uptime reports that summarize the uptime for the whole month.

Existed feature

230. Ability to graph over longer periods of time to see trends, identify problems, etc.

Existed feature

231. i want to graph historical data (i.e. last year, last month…)

Existed feature

232. no direct link to the relevant graphs I am interested in


233. Do you test only web services or also email services ?

Also emails (SMTP, POP3, IMAP)

234. More advanced web monitoring. For example, it would be nice to be able to walk through an order placement process periodically to confirm the whole system is working.

Paid Monitoring premium feature (Transactions Monitoring)

235. none


236. Can’t think of any!


237. messenger alerts

Existed feature

238. Simple usable interface

Paid Monitoring premium feature

239. widgets for websites

Existed feature

240. More location, more frequent monitoring.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

241. Long-period charts

Paid Monitoring premium feature

242. Smaller checking intervals! Actually, I just checked to see if this features is available… and ironically, your website is down. Hahaha!

Paid Monitoring premium feature

243. I wish it would check more often and check for specific words on the website.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

244. n/a


245. Maybe I haven’t looked enough, but I think I’d like some more reporting options.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

246. the IM notification does not seem to work. maybe add domain whois monitoring as well (changes, expiration etc.)

Please contact support

247. None


248. /


249. We get a lot of false alarms during our backup window. It would be COOL to be able to specify a timeframe in which an unreachable server does NOT get reported. E.g. ignore downtimes between 3 and 4am, but do send an email when the server is still unresponsive after 4am.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

250. Long time period reporting (i.e. quarterly and yearly sumup) with print friendly version (PDF).

Paid Monitoring premium feature

251. i dont know yet


252. can’t say


253. none


254. more range between lapsus of monitor services

Paid Monitoring premium feature

255. not sure, I honestly dont use it enough to know


256. times services were down in weekly report

Paid Monitoring premium feature

257. in depth information on the reason of the downtime (i.e. host unreachable, connection reset by peer, etc etc)

Paid Monitoring premium feature

258. SMS feature

Existed feature

259. I want better configuration possibilities

In the roadmap

260. Dependancies

In the roadmap

261. free sms alert


262. I was not acurre some


263. s.a.


264. somehow , more intuitiv web config , there are so many things to click on, and i need only few options to configur

In the roadmap

265. gtalk integration less false alarms

Paid Monitoring premium feature

266. no ideas


267. there’s probably more already there than I’m using, rather than the other way around


268. more host monitoring site

Paid Monitoring premium feature

269. URL monitoring, round trip email service monitoring.

270. None


271. google dashboard is gone for free service

Please contact support

272. Nothing at the moment.


273. None as far as i can think now


274. None.


275. Nothing what I can think of, at the moment.


276. more detailed reporting

Paid Monitoring premium feature

277. none actually


278. pro

279. RSS Feeds

Existed feature

280. the ability to monitor site’s that only can be accessed through a certificate

Existed feature (HTTPS)

281. nothing


282. export of data to csv (chose of export wich date and type)

Paid Monitoring premium feature

283. Don’t know


284. I am based in the UK, so sometimes sites are reported down when in fact they are not, I guess this might be because you are based in the US

We do have monitors all over the world including UK. And we are report failure only when 2 monitors confirm. Sometimes it is short failure you may not notice during manual check

285. – probably the notification email that the website is down should contain the Graph with the latest pings to the server; this way ojne gets a fast overview on what’s going on

In the roadmap

286. more services from different countries.

Paid Monitoring premium feature

287. other port

You can use any port

288. No overall/long-term uptime averages in weekly reports

Existed feature

289. down latency between monitoring

Paid Monitoring premium feature

290. None that I can think of.


291. none.


292. nothing


293. None.


294. analysis

In the roadmap

295. client for smartphone like A1200, palm and symbiam OS phones

In the roadmap

296. nothing


Hovhannes Avoyan

About Hovhannes Avoyan

Paid Monitor CEO – Hovhannes is an international entrepreneur with a recognized and respected reputation in the high tech industry. His technical expertise, combined with his drive to build the best business/product, has positioned him as a visionary international extension of Silicon Valley.

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