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Paid Monitor Re-names Free Server Monitoring Site to Monitor.Us

Written by Hovhannes Avoyan

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New Easy-to-Remember Domain Name    

Press release

SAN JOSÉ, CA., June 22, 2011 – Shakespeare wrote it: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Now, Paid Monitoring Inc., the award-winning provider of the world’s first all-in-one systems monitoring cloudware, is picking a new name for its highly successful free monitoring service for networks, servers and websites: Monitor.Us  The new name (re-christened from goes into effect immediately.  However, for the immediate future, both domain names will direct users to

“Now it will be easier than ever to remember our name – Monitor.Us – instead of,” said Paid Monitor Founder and CEO Hovhannes Avoyan. “We’re making it even easier for system administrators and webmasters to monitor their servers, networks and sites.  Simplifying the name of Monitor.Us – so that IT professionals can more easily remember the service — is just one more way organizations can keep their infrastructure running smoothly and keep users satisfied.”

Since 2005 Monitor.Us has offered entrepreneurs, small and mid-sized businesses, large enterprises, government agencies, schools and non-profit organizations free external website monitoring.  Recently, Monitor.Us became the only cloud-based systems monitoring solution to offer internal server health monitoring of organizations’ servers and networks, also at no cost.

Monitor.Us is the only IT monitoring platform which provides an unlimited number of external end-user experience and internal server health monitors for free. “System administrators can set up everything in five short minutes,” said Avoyan, “from signup to setup.” Monitor.Us also provides a powerful application programming interface (API) to extend and customize the monitoring service.

Demand for free monitoring services has skyrocketed over the past several years, due to increasing cost-consciousness at companies, said Avoyan.

“Every service and product we design for Monitor.Us is to make the lives of IT professionals easier, less harried,” added Avoyan. “Now, even the name of our free service is easier.”

About Monitor.Us
Monitor.Us is the world’s first free all-in-one Cloud-based server monitoring service, providing both external (measuring application uptime and end-user experience) and internal server resources monitoring (tracking used disk space, RAM, CPU, traffic). Monitor.Us is faster and cheaper than even free monitoring software, as there is no need to setup and maintain a monitoring server. Monitor.Us is a part of the Paid Monitor family of monitoring applications.

About Paid Monitor
Paid Monitor believes that the Cloud is the biggest thing to happen in IT management since IT management. Having seen this vision early, Paid Monitor is now the global leader in developing this market.  It is the first affordable network and systems monitoring solution based 100% in the Cloud. Besides Paid Monitor’ enthusiastic and loyal user base of 70,000 customers from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies to government agencies and educational institutions, Paid Monitor has won rave reviews from the technology analyst community, such as “Most Innovative Start-Up″ from The 451 Group, a listing in OnDemand 100, a ranking by Morgan Stanley, KPMG, and AlwaysOn, of 100 top private companies globally.

For more information, contact:
Paid Monitor Inc.
Sales & Marketing Department
[email protected]
US & Canada Toll Free:   +1-800-657-7949

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