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4 Simple Tips to Increase Your WordPress Loading Time

Looks like you are looking for a post, which can help you in amplifying the momentum of your WP site. If it is so then you have landed up on a right post. In this post, we will talk about the addition of appropriate plug-ins, implementation of right tricks to reduce the loading speed of… Read the full post


Tuning HTML5 for Cross Browser Compatibility

HTML5 and its companion CSS3 introduce all sorts of awesome new features for animations, graphics, multi-media, interactive elements, web storage and more.  Although HTML5 has been in use for several years and is gaining popularity, it remains a W3 Candidate Recommendation and not yet an official standard.  While much progress has been made, still not… Read the full post


Four Freemium Cloud Storage Solutions on the Fly

Cloud storage is a service that allows data to be maintained, managed, backed up remotely, and accessed from multiple distributed and connected resources that comprise a Cloud. Various Cloud storage providers have emerged in recent years, offering a variety of solutions for users to upload and sync files to cloud storage databases and then access… Read the full post


5 CSS techniques for better cross-browser compatibility

With a growing number of various browsers and their versions, making website look consistent for everyone is an impossible task. Some startups even dump some browsers for the sake of saving time and money on making the websites compatible for different browsers. While this approach has yet to be proven as successful, the majority of… Read the full post


5 Reasons to Monitor eCommerce Sites

There are many reasons why companies choose to monitor their sites, especially for eCommerce retailers. Online customers expect everything to be seamless, from searching for a product to checkout. If there is a snag in the process, the consequences can be difficult to rebound from, both for your brand and your bottom line. Here are… Read the full post


How often is your site closed for business?

According to a study conducted by Forrester Consulting, after 2 seconds site visitors start to get frustrated, and will consider abandoning a page.  Older studies are more generous, with visitors giving a site from 10 to 15 seconds to open before moving on. The bottom line, the longer it takes your website to open, the… Read the full post


The Gold Standard: MySQL Benchmarking Best Practices

MySQL Benchmarking is a useful branch of database performance optimization. This article expects the readers to have a basic understanding of relational database systems like MySQL and administrative use of Linux. So why should database administrators run benchmark tests on their MySQL systems? The answer is simply to see if the designed system is able… Read the full post


Essential Server Performance Metrics you should know, but were reluctant to ask

  The labor day was approaching and Mary decided to run a  discount sales program on that occasion. Suddenly, some time in midday, her online store stopped working and she was getting a 404 message on the screen. Refreshing didn’t help. Mary was angry and confused. So she called his website admin…