Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

About zhirayr


5 Reasons Why Businesses Must “Pin It”

Pinterest wasn’t one that charmed social media aficionados overnight. It was launched in March 2010 and only skyrocketed as one of the top 10 social networking services last December 2011.   If you run a business but still fail to see just how Pinterest is an online necessity, then you’re in the right place. Below… Read the full post


This Week in Website Performance

This Week in Website Performance is a weekly feature of the Monitor.Us blog. It summarizes recent articles about website performance. Why? Because your friends at Monitor.Us care.     When Milliseconds Are Not Enough: performance.now()   Author: Paul Irish. This short article covers the performance.now() high resolution timer. Orders of magnitude more precise than Date.now() and tied to page load start rather than… Read the full post


Identifying MySQL Performance Issues

To really solve a problem, it is imperative to know what the problem is. This applies to database experts greatly, who use an array of techniques to identify MySQL performance issues. These techniques involve taking into account badly designed queries, lack of proper schema, level of normalization, storage, OS and RDBMS settings. We will discuss… Read the full post


Essential website security tips

Whatever kind of website you have, no matter if it’s an educational one, a fun one, or a business one, you should always think about protecting it from malicious users. In this article I’ll show you 5 easy to follow steps that can help you accomplish that:


Build a Mobile App in 30 minutes or Less!

Anyone who has had their ear to the ground of the mobile app world lately will have noticed a rather amazing new trend unfolding for everyday mobile device users: DIY mobile app building. The development is so profound in fact that the most fitting analogy is to reference the Web site building frenzy that occurred… Read the full post

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Get the most out of Google Analytics for Social Media

Taking a deeper look into Social in Google Analytics In the last couple of years social media is “the hit” in our everyday life. Which means it becomes more and more interesting for the business – you should be where your customers are, right? So with the growth of social networks grows the part of… Read the full post


Guide to Choosing Cloud Hosting (Part 2)

This week’s Start-Up league post is dedicated to choosing the best cloud hosting platform. We recently covered three cloud hosting providers in the first slideshow and now we are proceeding to the second part. This time we’ll take a look at VPS.Net and Cloudlayer.


A closer look at Drupal and Joomla!

Introduction The strength and beauty of a CMS is that it separates the content from the programming from the design. That way, the designer knows their layout is standardized throughout the whole site, the content writer can use the familiar what you see is what you get editor to write and format their text without… Read the full post