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Saving IT Managers Time: Paid Monitor Now Partners GoGrid in SLA 3rd Party Monitoring

San Jose, CA – February 25, 2010 – Paid Monitor, the leading provider of affordable, easy-to-use, 100% Cloud-based, network and systems monitoring solutions, today announced that it has opened yet another front in its battle to save IT managers’ time – it has integrated its Universal Cloud Monitoring Framework with GoGrid’s cloud services, thereby enabling massive time savings for GoGrid’s customers.

Paid Monitor’ Universal Cloud Monitoring Framework automates monitoring in highly dynamic cloud environments, where customers’ servers may be added and terminated according to the load by management software or manually.

Given this dynamism, setting up end-user experience monitoring can become a tedious, resource intensive, and error-prone process. Paid Monitor’ Universal Cloud Monitoring Framework automates the configuration of external monitoring and server monitoring tools every time a new installation is called for – saving IT managers and system administrators around the world enormous time and hassle.

In addition to saving IT managers’ time, Paid Monitor’ Universal Cloud Monitoring Framework gives users the confidence that comes from using a 3rd party tool to monitor Cloud infrastructure in an independent manner.  Even when Cloud computing providers provide some sort of monitoring, there is an inherent conflict of interest – as they are keen to show higher uptime. By providing a customized, independent audit of SLAs (service level agreements), Paid Monitor’ Universal Cloud Monitoring Framework increases the credibility of Cloud computing providers claims, which ultimately benefits both users and the industry, as a whole.

Paid Monitor already provides this service for Amazon and Rackspace clients, but with the addition of GoGrid, it now provides 3rd-party SLA verification for the industry’s top 3 cloud hosting providers. Said Paid Monitor’ Founder and CEO, Hovhannes Avoyan, “In the pursuit of saving IT managers massive amounts of time, no one is even close to offering what we do. Our new partnership with GoGrid will continue to cement our lead as the new industry standard in Cloud monitoring.”

Hovhannes Avoyan

About Hovhannes Avoyan

Paid Monitor CEO – Hovhannes is an international entrepreneur with a recognized and respected reputation in the high tech industry. His technical expertise, combined with his drive to build the best business/product, has positioned him as a visionary international extension of Silicon Valley.

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