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Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

Paid Monitor Announces a Major Product Upgrade – Enterprise-Grade SNMP Network Monitoring Is Now Available From the Cloud

San Jose, CANovember 19, 2009 – Paid Monitor, the leading provider of affordable, easy-to-use, 100% Cloud-based, application, network and server monitoring solutions, today announced a major upgrade to its premium service, which now includes enterprise-grade SNMP network monitoring.  Paid Monitor has long offered a free SNMP monitoring product called MonitorSNMP.  But with this upgrade, Paid Monitor integrates all of MonitorSNMP’s features plus a host of new and more advanced features into it’s premium Paid Monitor service.

This new release close a major gap in delivering a true, all-in-one monitoring solution that unites application performance management (APM) with back-end server, Cloud infrastructure, network monitoring, and network management to deliver a consolidated picture of a system’s health and performance.

According to Hovhannes Avoyan, Paid Monitor’ Founder and CEO, “This upgrade is a torpedo in the rudder of old-school, software-based network monitoring software and network management software.  With it, we’ve removed any reason for network managers and system administrators to stay bound by inefficient software-based systems, and we’ve given them every reason to switch to Paid Monitor.  We’ve just changed the rules of network performance management again.”

SNMP or Simple Network Management Protocol is a network based protocol used for monitoring network-attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention.  It is a standard protocol used by all network equipment vendors for managing and monitoring switches, routers, access points, VPNs, firewalls, VoIP devices and more. SNMP is also widely used by software vendors for remote management.  SNMP monitoring is a standard feature supported by software-based network management systems. 

Paid Monitor’ MonitorSNMP has been a free service for more than 11 months, and now Paid Monitor launches its premium version, which will provide more advanced features, including:

-  MIB views

-  SNMP traps (SNMP notifications) monitoring

-  SNMP walk (an SNMP application allowing the user to gather a tree of information),

-  1 min interval monitoring,

-  events’ filtering,

-  and advanced notification rules giving the user an integrated holistic picture.

Paid Monitor’ SNMP monitoring can be used by small and medium size enterprises (SMEs), freelancers and managed service providers (MSPs).Paid Monitor’ SNMP monitoring enables network monitoring at anytime from anywhere, with hassle-free deployment and updates, and easy management and usage. 

This upgrade also enhances support of features already present in the free version, such as MIB viewers, custom MIBs (Objects managed by SNMP are arranged in management information bases (MIBs). MIB is a collection of hierarchically organized information used to manage the devices in a communications network.  MIB comprises a collection of objects in the virtual database used to manage entities, such as routers and switches in a network.)  

About Paid Monitor All-in-One Monitoring Platform

Paid Monitor is a 100% Cloud-based, complete, and flexible IT monitoring solution, offered  on a  Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model.  Paid Monitor consolidates backend network and server monitoring, application monitoring, website monitoring, and cloud monitoring in an all-in-one, central monitoring service. The platform is easily  customizable and may be used for managing of all kinds of IT assets such as websites, servers, routers, switches, VoIP devices, DNS, databases, processes and any other IP devices.  Paid Monitor provides users with a comprehensive view of their system’s health and performance. 

About Paid Monitor

Paid Monitor believes that the Cloud is the biggest thing to happen in IT management since IT management. Having seen this vision early, Paid Monitor is now the global leader in developing this market.  It is the first affordable network and systems monitoring solution based 100% in the Cloud. 

Besides Paid Monitor’ enthusiastic and loyal user base of 50,000 customers from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies to government agencies and educational institutions, Paid Monitor has won rave reviews from the technology analyst community.   Recently, because it’s Cloud-based monitoring helps companies reduce system downtime, improve the productivity of their IT staff, and reduce operational expenditures, Paid Monitor was named the Most Innovative Start-up for 2009 by The 451 Group at their annual Client Conference.  

Paid Monitor was founded in 2005 by a team of seasoned entrepreneurs and fed-up and worn-out developers who were tired of complaining about the limits of software-based tools, while inspired by the promise of the Cloud.  Headquartered in San Jose, CA, Paid Monitor is lead by a team of IT professionals with deep experience running enterprise-grade IT businesses, as well as starting and selling several IT start-ups.  Using a global workforce, particularly its R&D team based in Yerevan, Armenia, Paid Monitor is poised to move from strength to strength.  At present, it has a loyal and enthusiastic user community of 50,000, and an average month-on-month revenue growth of over 10%.


Paid Monitor Inc.

Sales & Marketing Department

[email protected]

US & Canada Toll Free: +1-800-657-7949

UK + International: +44-845-527-3346

France + International: +33-48-607-9035

2880 Zanker Road Suite 203

San Jose, CA-95134


About Mikayel Vardanyan

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