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Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

This Week in Website Performance

website-performance-weekly-monitorusThis Week in Website Performance is a weekly feature of the Monitor.Us blog. It summarizes recent articles about website performance.

ALTER TABLE: Creating Index by Sort and Buffer Pool Size

Author: Peter Zaitsev.  Publisher: MySql Performance Blog.This article shows how to sort SQL tables to achieve better index performance.

MySQL Performance Schema Statement Digests

Author: Mark Leith.  Publisher: Planet MySql.Once upon a time, we used the slow query log and mysqldumpslow. Then MySql Proxy and the performance schema came along and proved themselves much more useful. Now, Performance Schema Statement Digests provide SQL access to the performance data. This article shows how to access the performance data through SQL.

How Do I Speed Up WordPress?

Author: Mike Linville.  Publisher: Black Dog Education.This 5 minute video gives us 3 tips for speeding up our WordPress site: Delete plugins that are not in use, reduce image sizes, and reduce each page’s content.

The Slow Query Log is Not

Author: Gavin Towey.  Publisher: Planet MySql.This article suggests another way to use MySql’s slow query log: Set the long query time to 0.000 to gather all the data, then compute the total run time per day (avg run time X number of runs per day), then optimize the queries that use the most time per day rather than the most time per instance. To avoid creating your own performance issues, this article shows how to sample data rather than leaving the slow query log on all the time (i.e., continual measurement rather than continuous measurement).

Preventing ‘Stop running this script’ in Browsers

Author: Dane Balia.  Publisher: Code Project.Sometimes our code runs long. It’s not a performance issue – it takes a long time because it’s doing a lot of work. When this happens, though, we are faced with the dreaded “Stop Running this Script” question, at which point we are at the user’s mercy. This article proposes a solution. [Hint: It chops the work up into pieces.]

[Ask] SSRS Report Viewer On ASP.NET Slow Performance

Author: Sandeep Mewara.  Publisher: Code Project.This very short Q&A reminds us that testing performance in the test environment does not tell us what performance will be like in the production environment. [WG: Test in the test environment before transferring to production, then test in the production environment, then monitor the production environment on an ongoing basis.]

Introduction to JavaScript and Browser DOM

Author: Miško Hevery.  Publisher: Google Tech Talk.This 1h 6m video presentation is about two years old, but Google Tech Talks republished it recently. The first half is an excellent introduction for JavaScript newbies. It covers objects, prototyping, Java-style object-orientation vs. JavaScript-style object-orientation, closures, this, __proto__ vs. prototype, var’s scope, and the document object model (DOM).

jQuery HTML5 video background 1.3

Author: George Paterson.  Publisher: George Paterson.George Paterson announces version 1.3 of the jQuery Video Background plugin.

NoSQL Java API for MySQL Cluster: Questions & Answers

Author: Oracle MySQL Group.  Publisher: Planet MySql.This article answers questions that were raised during a recent webinar about providing NoSQL Java access to MySQL Cluster via the ClusterJ and ClusterJPA APIs. These Java interfaces promise “extremely high performance for common operations.”

MySQL Connect Sessions

Author: Dave Stokes.  Publisher: Planet MySql.This article lists and describes its author’s 10 favourite sessions at the upcoming Oracle Open World. The remaining 68 sessions are described here.

SPDY & Secure Proxy Support in Google Chrome

Author: Ilya Grigorik.  Publisher: Ilya Grigorik.This article explains how SPDY, HTTPS, and NPN work together in Chrome. It also shows us how we can reproduce our own local “Silk proxy” setup in just a few lines of code and configuration.


Author: Aaron Brown.  Publisher: Planet MySql.This article shows that keeping wanted rows can be faster than deleting unwanted rows. This is accomplished by copying the good rows to a new table, then renaming the tables. If you read this one, make sure to read the next one, too.


Author: Shlomi Noach.  Publisher: Planet MySql.Contrary to the previous article, this article points out the likely performance problems that will result from INSERTing rather than DELETEing. It recommends deleting rows in small chunks over a period of time.

DROP TABLE and stalls: Lazy Drop Table in Percona Server and the new fixes in MySQL

Author: Ovais Tariq.  Publisher: MySql Performance Blog.”In this blog post I am going to give a high level picture of how Lazy Drop Table works and how the new DROP Table works in MySQL >= 5.5.23. After the explanation I will share the results of benchmarks that I ran to compare both the implementations. Note that whatever we are discussing here holds for when you are using innodb_file_per_table.”


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About Warren Gaebel

Warren wrote his first computer program in 1970 (yes, it was Fortran).  He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Waterloo and his Bachelor of Computer Science degree at the University of Windsor.  After a few years at IBM, he worked on a Master of Mathematics (Computer Science) degree at the University of Waterloo.  He decided to stay home to take care of his newborn son rather than complete that degree.  That decision cost him his career, but he would gladly make the same decision again. Warren is now retired, but he finds it hard to do nothing, so he writes web performance articles for the Monitor.Us blog.  Life is good!