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The Monitor.Us blog bringing you tech and marketing tips, startup news & everything monitoring

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The First Live Stream is 20 Years Old

old-televisionYes, you read that right. It may be hard to believe, but it has been 20 years since the first live stream made waves across the internet. In 1993, Xerox PARC was hosting a small show in Palo Alto when engineers who were in another room decided to test their new technology to broadcast on the internet. A band known as “Severe Tire Damage” was playing at the event, and almost by accident, their show became the first ever live streaming event. As explained by ‘Kickshuffle‘, it was only a year later that the ‘Rolling Stones’ were live streaming their work as well. Read more…

Category: Articles, Just for Fun

Taking Control – 4 Tips and 7 Tools for an Effective Online Marketing Strategy

checkmarkFor independent business owners, having an effective online marketing strategy is an absolute necessity if you want to grow and stay ahead of the competition.  The Internet has changed the way we build relationships with potential clients. It’s now possible for SMBs to advertise on a global scale – something that was once only financially possible for large businesses and corporations. Read more…

Category: Articles, Website Marketing

Building an e-shop: Hosted Solutions (part 2)

radikal-equipmotor-online-shopBigcommerce: features and benefits

Ever wondered how to develop an e-shop? You have a choice between free, hosted and premium solutions, and we have already taken a look at one of the largest hosted shopping cart software products – Shopify. In this article I’ll get you through the features and benefits of another popular shopping software product, Bigcommerce. Read more…

Category: Website Marketing

Tuning HTML5 for Cross Browser Compatibility

HTML5-logo.svgHTML5 and its companion CSS3 introduce all sorts of awesome new features for animations, graphics, multi-media, interactive elements, web storage and more.  Although HTML5 has been in use for several years and is gaining popularity, it remains a W3 Candidate Recommendation and not yet an official standard.  While much progress has been made, still not all HTML5 functionality is supported in all browsers.  Fortunately there are tools that detect and deal with HTML5 browser inconsistencies, and in this article we’ll be using some of them to create a process of tuning for HTML5 cross browser compatibility. Read more…

Category: Website Performance

Why Do I Need Website Monitoring?

eagle_globeWith technology advancing faster than we can keep up, there are literally thousands of new websites springing up every day. Websites for games, for special interests, to share photos, even to start a small business are launched daily as the internet continues to grow like a wild frontier. But even with all of this new territory being expanded upon, is a constant monitor really needed? Let’s look a a few reasons why website monitoring is a good idea. Read more…

Category: Website Performance
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Monitor.Us, the free version of Paid Monitor, the specialist web and cloud systems monitoring service that provides website monitoring, web page load testing, transaction monitoring, application and database monitoring, web page load testing,transaction monitoring, application and cloud resource monitoring, and server and internal network monitoring within one easy-to-use dashboard. Monitor.Us gives home and small business users access to leading-edge availability and performance monitoring within one easy-to-use dashboard. For more information please visit Monitor.Us.

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