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Written by Mikayel Vardanyan

Features Paid Monitor
Check interval for External Monitor Fixed 30 minutes Adjustable 1-60 minutes
Monitoring locations 2(US, EU) 11(US-CENTRAL,US-EAST, US-WEST, Panama, UK, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, China, Australia, Singapore), possibility of adding custom location
Content matching No Yes
Maintenance periods specification No Yes
Supported protocols 10 11
Advanced DNS check No Yes
MySQL check No Yes
GET and POST methods support No Yes
SSL/TLS support No Yes
Response Timeout Fixed 10 seconds Adjustable
Windows agent Yes Yes
Linux agent No Yes
Solaris agent No Yes
FreeBSD agent No Yes
Notifications for Internal Monitoring No Yes
Windows System Events Monitoring No Yes
Overall CPU usage Monitoring No Yes
Installed Software Monitoring No Yes
Advanced Windows Agent Manager No Yes
Check Interval for Internal Monitor 30 minutes 5 minutes
Notification Alerts IM, SMS, E-mail, Twitter IM, SMS, E-mail, Twitter, Voice alerts
Rule-based notifications No Yes
Escalation levels No Yes
Contact Groups No Yes
One mail option No Yes
Adjustable time interval for notifications No Yes
External Reports Current and Previous months only Yearly/monthly, yearly/weekly, monthly/daily, weekly/daily current month, previous month
Maintenance periods exclusion in reports No Yes
External Snapshot Yes Yes
Internal Snapshot No Yes
Weekly report Main e-mail only Multiple e-mails
Daily report No Yes
Monthly report No Yes
Monitors selection in weekly, daily and monthly reports No Yes
Internal Reports No Yes
Error codes in notification e-mails No Yes
Adjustable timezone for notification e-mails No Yes
Account management No Yes
Top 10 Devices by CPU, Load Average, Response Time, Memory, Drive No Yes
Plugin for Firefox No Yes
Transaction monitor No Yes
Data exporting options as PDF/CSV No Yes
Flash-based charts with save as image possibility No Yes
Premium Support No Yes
EC2 Monitor No Yes
S3 Monitor No Yes
Rackspace Monitor No Yes
Public Report No Yes

See full list of Paid Monitor features here

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