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MONITIS Adds 9 Enterprise-Class Options for Robust and Efficient Failure Notification




Press Release

San Jose 8 July, 2009 Paid Monitor Inc., a leading provider of cloud-based enterprise-class systems management software as a service, today made available several enterprise-class systems failure and performance outage notification management options.

Paid Monitor utilizes multiple ways of alerting users of a system failure. While before boasted features such as notification rules, multi-channel delivery via emails, SMS, RSS, and instant messenger, there was a request made by Paid Monitor users to further enhance the system failure alert service. Enterprise-class options have been added to the popular Paid Monitor cloud-based systems monitoring tool. These new additions aide in delivering in depth failure alerts and preventative warnings while avoiding unnecessary notifications during planned down time.

Additional enhancements include customizable alert notifications such as: 1) Configure the time frames for when users want to receive alerts, 2) The number of failures required to trigger an alert notification, 3) Turn on continuous alerting until recovery which prevents users from missing a single alert, 4) Turn off the recovery message, 5) Configure from which locations the user wants to receive notifications for failures, 6) Create contract groups that can be used for alerting, 7) Define maintenance hours for when alerting is not required, 8) Configure scheduled, recurring maintenance hours and 9) Configure maintenance hours by single monitor or group.

About Paid Monitor Performance Monitor

Paid Monitor Performance Monitor is industry leading comprehensive, affordable, scalable, fault and performance management software as a service. Paid Monitor Cloud-Based Performance Monitor monitors, collects and analyzes information from websites, servers, routers, switches, VoIP devices, DNS, databases, processes and any other IP devices providing users with a comprehensive view of their system health. Open sourced Paid Monitor plug-in with powerful API’s allow users to extend Paid Monitor powerful monitoring and management capabilities. Users can be assured of always on reliable service as Paid Monitor Performance Monitor is deployed across the world providing resilient service.

About Paid Monitor

Paid Monitor is a leading provider of affordable performance monitoring and management software as a service. More than 50,000 customers spanning small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and education institutions have chosen Paid Monitor to reduce system downtime, improve IT administrator productivity, and reduce operational expenditure. Paid Monitor is radically changing system monitoring and management landscape by providing easy to use, affordable, flexible (deployment configurations include: shared, internal cloud and external cloud), and simple to manage SaaS performance monitoring and management solution. For more information, please visit

About Mikayel Vardanyan

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