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Top 10 Javascript Productivity tools

top 10 javascript tuning tools

JavaScript tuning tools help to reduce the amount of time required to find leaks, tweak performance and monitor Java Virtual Machines. Developers who want to decrease their time troubleshooting can benefit from the advanced heuristics and simple graphical interfaces that display essential data. Tools greatly help to reduce the amount of time manually searching through [...]

This Week in JavaScript Performance

This Week in JavaScript Performance summarizes recent web postings related to JavaScript performance. Watch for it at the beginning of each week. Making the HTTP Archive faster Author: Steve Souders.   Publisher: Steve Souders. While making the HTTP Archive faster, Steve noticed that Google’s jsapi was using document.write to write a script tag that downloads a [...]

Business Benefits of Synthetic End-user Monitoring


Synthetic monitoring of end-users transactions and actions on a website is the latest in development tools used by many web or online businesses. In the past businesses relied on customer or end-user experience monitoring to test out their website performance and new features that they introduced. Today many businesses are able to apply synthetic end-user [...]

This Week in JavaScript Performance


This Week in JavaScript Performance summarizes recent web postings related to JavaScript performance. Watch for it at the beginning of each week. Radio link and Nav Timing Author: Steve Souders.   Publisher: Steve Souders.This article shows how to measure DNS time, connect time, TTFB, HTML parsing time, and front-end time on the Android 4, which promotes/demotes [...]

Application Transactions

The concept of an application transaction (also called a business transaction or an end-user transaction) is at the heart of Application Performance Monitoring (APM).  A previous three-part article, The APM Primer (part one, part two, and part three), described the basics of APM.  The article now before you delves a little deeper into APM’s core [...]

Website Performance: Synchronicity

Web­site Per­formance: Tax­o­no­my of Tips in­tro­duced a clas­si­fi­ca­tion scheme to help us or­ga­nize the many per­for­mance tips found on the In­ter­net.  My fol­low­ing three ar­ti­cles re­viewed the tips that af­fect the re­sponse’s jour­ney from the ser­ver to the cli­ent cat­e­go­ry.  To­day’s ar­ti­cle be­gins the dis­cus­sion about the syn­chro­ni­ci­ty cat­e­go­ry.

The Application Performance Monitoring Primer (Part 3 of 3)

Application Management (AM) includes project management, development, testing, quality assurance, release management, application monitoring, and responding to the information supplied by monitors.  Application Performance Monitoring(APM) is application monitoring that is focused on performance rather than security, availability, planning, or some other matter.This article is part three of a primer for those who have never heard [...]

Google/Yahoo Best Practices

Like it or not, your end-users will judge your website.  If, in their judgment, it is perceived to be slow, that judgment will partly determine how often they return.  It will also affect their friends’ decisions insomuch as user experiences are shared.  That’s why monitoring the user experienceis so important.Now on to the next step.  [...]

The Application Performance Monitoring Primer (Part 2 of 3)

Application Management (AM) includes project management, development, testing, quality assurance, release management, application monitoring, and responding to the information supplied by monitors.  Application Performance Monitoring(APM) is application monitoring that is focused on performance rather than security, availability, planning, or some other matter.This article is part two of a primer for those who have never heard [...]

The Application Performance Monitoring Primer (Part 1 of 3)

 Application Management (AM) includes project management, development, testing, quality assurance, release management, application monitoring, and responding to the information supplied by monitors.  Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is application monitoring that is focused on performance rather than security, availability, planning, or some other matter. This article is part one of a primer for those who have [...]