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10 Ideas how to improve HTML performance


Improving your HTML performance is a key factor in the success of your website. There are certain factors that you need to be aware of when it comes improving your HTML code to optimize your website, and ultimately gain a better conversion rate.The latest HTML5 will improve the functionality of your website and make it [...]

Test Harness for JavaScript Performance

test harness for javascript

In Website Performance: JavaScript, I provided a couple of comments about the effectiveness of some of the tips. I obtained this information by conducting my own tests on the three browsers that are installed on my little netbook computer (just about the slowest computer you could ever hope to own).Here is the harness I used [...]

This Week in JavaScript Performance

This Week in JavaScript Performance summarizes recent web postings related to JavaScript performance. Watch for it at the beginning of each week. Progressive Enhancement 2.0 Presenter: Nicholas Zakas.   Publisher: yuilibrary. This 50 minute presentation is from the March 5 BayJax event. Zakas shares his vision of progressive enhancement. Cache them if you can Author: Steve [...]

JBoss Application Server Monitoring with Paid Monitor


JBoss is by far the most widely-deployed JEE application server in the industry today. Unsurprisingly,application server administrators and developers are constantly looking for ways to monitor the performance of their applications. Fortunately, at the heart of JBoss lies built-in JMX instrumentation that enables us to collect vital statistics about its internal components. In this series [...]

This Week in JavaScript Performance

This Week in JavaScript Performance summarizes recent web postings related to JavaScript performance. Watch for it at the beginning of each week. It’s time to start using JavaScript strict mode Author: Nicholas C. Zakas.   Publisher: NCZ Online. This article strongly recommends that “everyone start using strict mode now.” It explains that strict mode makes debugging [...]

Website Performance: JavaScript

This article lists many of the JavaScript performance tips found on the World-Wide Web. The focus is on listing them concisely rather than explaining them. Please read the referenced articles at the bottom for further information. The tips are classified to make it a little easier to find what we need.The author has tested some [...]

Website Performance: Accessing the Database

This is the third of four articles about Database Management Systems’ (DBMS) performance. The first of these four articles presented an overview and some installation tips. The second article talked about building the database’s tables and indexes. Parts three and four get into the meat of accessing the database, with non-SQL tips in the article [...]

Website Performance: Building Tables and Indexes

This is the second of four articles about Database Management Systems’ (DBMS) performance. The first of these four articles presented an overview and some installation tips. The article you are now reading talks about building the database’s tables and indexes. Parts three and four get into the meat of accessing the database, with non-SQL tips [...]

Database Performance

This is the first of four articles about Database Management Systems’ (DBMS) performance. It presents an overview and some installation tips. The second article talks about building the database’s tables and indexes. Parts three and four get into the meat of accessing the database, with non-SQL tips in the third article and SQL tips in [...]

Web Server Performance

Website Performance: Taxonomy of Tips introduced a classification scheme to help us organize the many performance tips found on the Internet.  Today’s article reviews the tips in the third category, the-server-processes-the-request. Server-side scripting and services accessed by it (e.g., databases) will be reviewed in future articles. Today we look at the web server and its [...]