Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

How monitor.us can help to reduce waste of Adwords fees

It may take several hours, especially during night time, before you notice that your site is down. If you are running Google Adwords (adwords.google.com) or Yahoo sponsored search campaigns www.content.overture.com), then you are losing money. Your advertisements are online and you are paying per each click. Your users get an error message instead of your site. monitor.us will notify you that your site is down and you can react quickly. If you know that the site is down, then you can simply pause your advertising until the problem is fixed.


Hovhannes Avoyan

About Hovhannes Avoyan

Paid Monitor CEO – Hovhannes is an international entrepreneur with a recognized and respected reputation in the high tech industry. His technical expertise, combined with his drive to build the best business/product, has positioned him as a visionary international extension of Silicon Valley.

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