Online education portals like Udacity and Coursera are really changing the world of remote learning in significant ways. By making free and high quality education accessible to a global audience, these platforms are opening up undreamt of possibilities for communities around the world to improve, grow, and prosper in the digital economy of the 21st century. Education at top tier colleges and universities has traditionally been a social and economic privilege, but now anyone can join in the learning revolution by sitting in virtual classrooms with the world’s best and brightest educators. Whether this involves learning how to code and build smart phone apps, or starting up a new business, or learning about public health literacy, the sky is the limit of what’s now possible.

Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

About Lili Petkova

Enthusiastic young online marketing professional. Fully engaged in the way how people communicate and react on different situations – both online, and offline. Living in Bulgaria - a country of contrast, where life is somewhere in the middle of Western countries and Asia. Love to travel, meet new cultures and friends. Blogging about how online tools, social networks and internet advertising can help small businesses to benefit from their online marketing.

Shopping cart: free, hosted or premium?

Pros and cons of different types of e-commerce solutions When you decide to have an e-shop, one of the most important things you should consider is the platform you’ll use for it. Online shopping activities need to be managed correctly and efficiently, and after you choose an e-commerce solution, you most likely won’t change it… Read the full post


Building an e-shop: Hosted solutions (part 1)

Shopify: features & benefits Hosted shopping carts are preferred by e-store owners, who want a solution that’s easy to set up and administer, without requiring technical skills. Choosing a hosted solution will give you more time to develop your business instead of developing your e-shop. If you’ve decided to rely on a hosted solution, you… Read the full post

E-shopaholics wanted (part 4)

How to build a successful online shop: Popularization After you’ve built the online store your next step is to popularize it. Even the best designed and developed e-shop makes no sense, if no one knows about it or buys from it. The promotion of your e-store starts right after you’re completely sure it’s ready for marketing: when everything… Read the full post


E-shopaholics wanted (part 3)

How to build a successful online shop: Purchase and payment When shopping online, users can decide not to buy at any step in the purchasing process. Even if the only thing left for them to do is to click the “Confirm payment” button, they can still leave your e-shop. It’s crucially important to lead your… Read the full post


E-shopaholics wanted (part 2)

How to build a successful online shop: Content Nowadays, the importance of content becomes bigger and bigger every day. Even if your shop is user-friendly, easy to find and understand, and if it attracts a lot of visitors, the content is one of the decision-making factors when it comes to buying. Written content in your… Read the full post


E-shopaholics wanted (part 1)

How to build a successful online shop: User experience In our world, that gets more and more digital every day, e-commerce is one of the most popular business trends. There are millions of web stores which sell physical and digital products not only in local markets, but also globally. Online marketing, combined with having an… Read the full post


7 fundamental ways to promote your blog successfully

Or, what are the basic things you should include in your blog promotion strategy Blogs can provide an excellent ROI – but only if you invest a lot of your time in them. As we agreed, writing great content is just not enough. Promoting your blog is essential, so we’ve gone through 6 basic strategies… Read the full post


7 fundamental ways to promote your blog successfully (part 2)

In our previous post of the current series we talked about 3 important tips for promoting your blog. We’ve got 3 more tips for you in this post.   4. Link building and pinging Link building is one of the most important activities when we’re talking about blog promotion. If you seek higher page ranks in… Read the full post