Online education portals like Udacity and Coursera are really changing the world of remote learning in significant ways. By making free and high quality education accessible to a global audience, these platforms are opening up undreamt of possibilities for communities around the world to improve, grow, and prosper in the digital economy of the 21st century. Education at top tier colleges and universities has traditionally been a social and economic privilege, but now anyone can join in the learning revolution by sitting in virtual classrooms with the world’s best and brightest educators. Whether this involves learning how to code and build smart phone apps, or starting up a new business, or learning about public health literacy, the sky is the limit of what’s now possible.

Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

About Anne Balke

Outside of my freelance work as a writer, I provide business consulting, web design and online marketing services for small businesses – from one small business owner, to another. As an entrepreneur who has been through the struggles of learning how to succeed when resources were limited, I understand what it is like to build a small business from the ground up. My formal training is in Psychology and this background gives me a unique perspective on the world of marketing and behavior. I have been a work-at-home mother since 2002 and absolutely love the freedom that being self employed provides.

DIY Apps for Small Business – Part 2

Introducing the “Go for Good Enough” Awards.  In Part 1 , we discussed factors you need to consider when you set out to create a custom app for your business, as well as how these affect  what method or tool you choose to get the job done.  Today we are going to help you find a… Read the full post


DIY Apps for Small Business – Part 1

Yes, you can REALLY build an app all by yourself! Evidence is coming in from all different sources and reports — Businesses who have a mobile marketing strategy and who are using in-house apps are cutting expenses, making more sales, improving productivity, building customer relationships and ultimately improving their revenue.  These businesses are capitalizing on the… Read the full post


Private Business Apps – Boost Productivity without Breaking the Bank!

In a recent article we discussed the benefits of having a mobile marketing strategy that includes a custom app for clients and customers.  When it comes to developing external apps that are geared towards consumers, the expense is justified by the ROI that comes from increased brand loyalty, stronger client relationships and of course, direct… Read the full post

Mind Mapping

Grow up, use Mindmaps

No matter what the industry, there is one thing that all business owners have in common.  We need to find ways to best utilize our time and to stay organized.   Whether you’re just starting out or have had a successful business for years, in order to grow you need to plan for the future.   The… Read the full post


Would You Benefit from a Mobile Marketing Strategy?

It’s a given – the number of people downloading mobile apps is increasing substantially.  A 2011 study by the Pew Research Center found that 50% of adult mobile phone users have at least one app to their smartphone, double the 2009 numbers.   Business owners who are taking advantage of this new world of mobile… Read the full post


The Top 10 Must Have Mobile Apps for Your Business

More than ever, small businesses are using technology to help them operate more efficiently and cost-effectively in an increasingly competitive environment.  One type of technology that business owners are taking advantage of at increasing rates is Mobile Applications.  As a matter of fact, according to a recent article in USA Today, apps are now considered… Read the full post


Save Money with Eco-Friendly “Green” Technology

What if you could take steps to help the environment and at the same time cut the IT costs for your business?  You would want to know about it right?   Use technology for conducting meetings and conference calls…  If we are honest, the word “meeting” often comes with a tinge of apprehension.  This is… Read the full post


Benefits of the Cloud. What can it do for your Business?

When we last left The Cloud, our strange visitor from another planet, we learned that he has always been there, behind the scenes.  But recently he has taken off his disguise and is really coming forward to the aid of people, businesses and corporations all over the world. But just what are The Cloud’s superpowers?