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Top 10 Javascript Productivity tools

top 10 javascript tuning toolsJavaScript tuning tools help to reduce the amount of time required to find leaks, tweak performance and monitor Java Virtual Machines. Developers who want to decrease their time troubleshooting can benefit from the advanced heuristics and simple graphical interfaces that display essential data. Tools greatly help to reduce the amount of time manually searching through code to find extra characters and inefficient coding.

1) Firebug

Firebug has several functions as well as JavaScript tuning and helps to completely optimize a website. Using a simple command line, you can visit a website and enter JavaScript into the command line. Run the command and it will run as if the script was part of the page. Firebug comes with inspection tools, auto-complete to make your job easier and a command line history.

2) Script#

Script# allows users to write in C# and increase productivity in JavaScript development. It works as an authoring tool that allows users to work successfully with the “.Net” framework. Script# makes it possible to program against JavaScript APIs. Scipts that are created with Script# are Javascript files that can be deployed into your applications.

3) Venkman JavaScript Debugger

Mozilla created this debugger that offers a full set of features for the JavaScript debugging environment. One of the major features involves code profiling that allows the user to inspect a script’s performance.

4) JSLint

JSLint provides users with the capability to check Javascript code for errors. There are several custom features that make it possible to use several different verification methods and authentication.

5) AttackAPI

AttackAPI makes it possible to run tests for potential security vulnerabilities, including JavaScript exploits. Creating secure code is greatly simplified with this effective tool.

6) Yslow

Yslow, released by Yahoo! provides a grade to websites based on several factors. Ultimately, the application determines how fast a page loads and what applications are causing the site to load slowly. The application provides tools to help troubleshoot and determine if a JavaScript should be placed as an external page or combined to make it more efficient. The tool also determines what information in the code can be removed for greater performance.

7) PerfAnal

PerfAnal helps to isolate sections of the JavaScript code that need tuning to increase application performance. The tool provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to make it easy to view and modify code.

8) JsPerf

JsPerf makes it easier to test various configurations of a JavaScript code snippets to find the best code for your purposes. These test cases can be created and shared to make it easier to find already completed tests and improve benchmarks. For users who don’t wish to add tests to the collection, the tool still works well solely for benchmarks.

9) JavaScript Editor

JavaScript Editor does it all. It checks syntax, debugs, edits and organizes all of your JavaScript code snippets. The application makes it possible to greatly improve a website users experience through various features that verify email, hide email from spammers, validate forms and other essential website functions.

10) Google PageSpeed

Google PageSpeed provides two options for using the application. Either access an online browser and enter in the website in question, or download a browser extension. PageSpeed helps website owners decide if there are errors in the code and the best placement for Java snippets.

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