Online education portals like Udacity and Coursera are really changing the world of remote learning in significant ways. By making free and high quality education accessible to a global audience, these platforms are opening up undreamt of possibilities for communities around the world to improve, grow, and prosper in the digital economy of the 21st century. Education at top tier colleges and universities has traditionally been a social and economic privilege, but now anyone can join in the learning revolution by sitting in virtual classrooms with the world’s best and brightest educators. Whether this involves learning how to code and build smart phone apps, or starting up a new business, or learning about public health literacy, the sky is the limit of what’s now possible.

Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

About Drago Z Kamenov

Drago has been fascinated with technology ever since he learned to program on Apple II clones as a teenager. Over the years, he has worked in enterprise application development as a C++, perl and Java/JEE developer, architect and team lead, primarily in unix and Linux environments, with occasional forays into system administration. A passionate open source enthusiast, Drago has been using Linux since 1998, more recently as his primary desktop OS. A native of Sofia, Bulgaria, he currently lives with his family in Cedar Falls, Iowa. In his spare time, he enjoys scuba diving, hiking and sailing his 16-foot catamaran.

Key Linux Performance Metrics

Much has been written about how to set up different monitoring tools to look after the health of your Linux servers. This article attempts to present a concise overview of the most important metrics available on Linux and the associated tools. CPU utilization CPU usage is usually the first place we look when a server… Read the full post


Spin Up an HBase Cluster With Whirr

In a previous article, we looked at monitoring HBase – a NoSQL distributed database running on top of Hadoop. But how does one deploy an HBase cluster in the first place? Installing Hadoop and HBase on numerous cluster nodes, making sure they communicate properly, starting up the cluster – and making sure everything works flawlessly… Read the full post


JBoss Application Server Monitoring with Paid Monitor

JBoss is by far the most widely-deployed JEE application server in the industry today. Unsurprisingly,application server administrators and developers are constantly looking for ways to monitor the performance of their applications. Fortunately, at the heart of JBoss lies built-in JMX instrumentation that enables us to collect vital statistics about its internal components. In this series… Read the full post


BerkeleyDB Monitoring with Paid Monitor Custom Monitors

In a previous post we discussed how to improve the performance of BerkeleyDB by tuning the cache size. Let’s see how Paid Monitor can help you keep tabs on the cache hit rate and other critical database metrics. We use a custom monitor created by a perl script,, which can be downloaded from our repository on… Read the full post


Berkeley DB Performance Tuning

 When it comes to performance, BerkeleyDB’s cache size is the single most important configuration parameter. In order to achieve maximum performance, the data most frequently accessed by your application should be cached so that read and write requests do not trigger too much I/O activity. BerkeleyDB databases are grouped together in application environments – directories which… Read the full post


An Overview of BerkeleyDB

NoSQL databases have generated a lot of buzz in recent years, but in this installment we will take a look at a NoSQL database which seems to have been around forever. BerkeleyDB – the grand-daddy of NoSQL databases – started out as a project at UC Berkeley aimed at providing a simple but powerful database… Read the full post