Everything about Web and Network Monitoring

Website Performance Greatest Hits, vol. 1

Today we celebrate our 500th blog post on our blog!

For this occasion we have compiled a selection of  10 most popular posts on our blog. So here we go!

#10  Best blogging platform review: WordPress, Blogger or SquareSpace? by Lili Petkova

The blog post is part of the series about various blogging platforms, in which we covered some of the most popular Content Management Systems for blogging. This particular post is about WordPress, Blogger and SquareSpace. We go into the details of each of these platforms to help you choose the one that fits better to your needs by listing all the major pros and cons of each CMS.

#9 9 Popular Website performance tips by You

We conducted a poll, to find out what are your favorite website performance tips.  After the poll was over, we gathered the most popular ones and Warren Gaebel has come up with this article, where he speaks about your favorite performance tips.

#8 Website Performance: PHP by Warren Gaebel

This article is one of the most “twitted” articles on our blog and the 8th most popular blog post. Apparently, website performance is the hot topic among our readers (I wonder why?). PHP, being one of the most popular programming languages has created huge interest among our readers. PHP performance and tuning are definitely the topics we should cover more in our blog. So stay tuned.

#7 10 Powerful JQuery plug-ins for enhancing website user interfaces

JQuery has gained a lot of popularity among web developers lately and we couldn’t miss the chance to talk about it. JQuery is a great tool for making your website more user-friendly and easy to interact. In this post we cover a number of  JQuery plugins for enriching your website’s look and feel.

#6  Ten Best Python-powered CMS’s

Python is another programming language that is becoming more and more popular among services that are looking for scalability and speed. Though unlike PHP there aren’t many well-known frameworks and CMS’s buit around Python, there are however CMS’s and platforms worth experimenting. Take look at some of them in this post.

#5  Best blogging platform review: LiveJournal, Movable Type or Typepad? by Lili Petkova

Lili’s series about Content Management Systems is definitely a hit! The second post in the series about Blogging Platforms has made its way to our Greatest Hits collection. This article is covering blogging platforms like LiveJournal (which is very popular in Russia), Movable Type (which was originally named “Serge”, according to Wikipedia) and TypePad.

#4 10 JavaScript performance tips by Warren Gaebel

Again JavaScript performance and again , Warren Gaebel is unmatched in his coverage about the best techniques of making JavaScript faster, more reliable and secure.

#3 Compiling JavaScript for performance by Warren Gaebel

Warren is suggesting yet another way to optimize website performance, this time, by translating JavaScript into a machine code. Warren argues, that this approach can push the limits of what’s possible today with web applications  and will have a good impact on your website performance.

#2 Best blogging platform review: Tumblr, Posterous or Jux? by Lili Petkova

The whole series about Choosing the best blogging platform made it to the top 10!

#1  And the most popular blog post is……

the Monitor.Us webinar on amazing new features in Monitor.Us after we made some significant changes in the product, adding more then 77 new features.  With these new features you have got even more possibilities to keep your business on track and your websites running 24/7. and all that for free!

So what’s your favorite blog post on Monitor.Us blog? 

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